On the hunt for reused bricks
In this task, you are to work in groups and find places in your local area where you can obtain reused bricks. The purpose is to investigate the possibilities of using these materials in new construction or renovation projects.
Follow these steps:
- Find out where there could potentially be reused bricks available. This could be at companies or organizations.
Visit and converse:
- Go out and talk to the staff at the places you have identified. Obtain information about the quantity of reused bricks, their properties, and the price.
Collective summary:
- In summary, the class should discuss and summarise where to obtain reused bricks, how much is available, and the properties and price.
The task aims to create common knowledge in the class about reused bricks in the local area. To solve the task, you should try to find different types of reused bricks and answer questions about quantity, quality, and price.
Download the two documents to get ideas on where to find reused bricks, which types of bricks to look for, and what questions to answer about the materials you find.
You can also find the lists below.