About Skills4Reuse

The teaching material Skills4Reuse has been developed as part of the project Competencies for Reuse in the Construction Industry, which aims to put greater focus on the reuse of building materials in the Nordic countries.

To ensure that the next generation of craftsmen are able to reuse building materials, we must ensure that they gain theoretical and practical experience with reuse and sustainability through their education – and the first step on the way is for the Nordic vocational schools to have access to the right teaching materials.

The goal of Skills4Reuse is to support the development of opinions, knowledge and practical skills so that apprentices and students throughout the Nordic region have the competencies to contribute to a more circular construction industry in the future.

The Team Behind:

The material found on this website has been developed by Nordic Sustainable Construction in collaboration with Norion Consult and the Knowledge Center for Craftsmanship and Sustainability.

Project partners have received assistance from Trap Rose & Ekblad Consulting Engineers and Biologists, Environice, and Kathart, and the material has been tested at Herningsholm Vocational School and Holstebro Education Center.

Nordic Sustainable Construction and the project Competencies for Reuse in Construction are funded by Nordic Innovation under the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Contact Information:


Email: nordicsustainableconstruction@sbst.dk


A big thank you to all the people, companies, organizations and institutions that have contributed to the development of the teaching materials:


NÆSTE skur

Byggeselskabet CF. Hansen

Winther A/S snedker og tømrer

Dansk Håndværk

Gamle Mursten

Genbrugs Sten

Fonden for Håndværkskollegier

CC Contractor



Kingo Karlsen A/S

P. Olesen A/S

Titan Nedbrydning A/S

J. Jensen Genbrug



DTU - Dansk Teknisk Universitet

Teknologisk Institut

VCØB - Videnscenter for Cirkulær Økonomi i Byggeriet


DBI - Dansk Brandteknisk Institut

Købanhavns Universitet

Aarhus Tech

Jens Joel (S)